Researching Hemp Root

Research on the roots of the hemp plant is relatively rare which is an unfortunate but common truth among many plant-based products that provide a means of maintaining well-being. The main function for hemp roots in plant growth is like that of most root systems and that is to nourish the rest of the plant above ground with resources nearby the root system. The components that make up the roots are different from those found in leaves and buds. One of the better-known components found in buds and leaves is cannabidiol (CBD) and people tend to assume that CBD is responsible for wellness when consuming hemp root products. The truth is that there is little to no CBD to be found in hemp roots. There are several compounds in hemp roots that are useful in maintaining well-being, but CBD is not one of them. In this article we’ll breakdown a specific group of compounds called 'sterols'.

The ‘sterol’ class of organic compounds is an interesting group of compounds that can be found in plants, animals, and fungi. According to Wikipedia, sterols are technically a type of alcohol although many experts still refer to them as a type of lipid (fat). Reviewed in 2019, an article published by the Cleveland Clinic briefly described sterols along with some noteworthy empirical findings. They start by describing that a common sterol found in animals is cholesterol. When sterols are found in plants, they are called phytosterols. Research indicates that due to the structural similarity among sterols, they tend to compete for receptivity in the body. This is one of the reasons physicians will suggest eating more fruits and vegetables in addition to foods from several other food groups.

The human body is a product of nature and seeks to achieve balance and will go to great lengths to do so. Except for specific disorders, if the body can achieve balance, it will naturally gravitate toward balance. In addition to a balanced internal environment, individuality is another important thing to consider.

Everybody is unique and every moment is unique.

People will vary in receptivity for substances and that receptivity will change over the person’s lifetime. Nature affects nurture and nurture affects nature. They are not at opposition with each other they are intertwined. A relative imbalance in favor of higher cholesterol is only one piece of the puzzle. There are a range of downstream effects that also occur in a cascade like fashion and this is a very important point to consider. That biological systems are unimaginably complex when observed all at once


To wrap this all up in three points.

  • Phytosterols are a plant based sterol found in fruits and vegetables.
  • Cholesterol is an animal based sterol found in... animals.
  • Balance is important in the maintenance of well-being.


Hemp root is an under appreciated part of the hemp plant. The compounds found in hemp root are certainly NOT a magic pill. BUT it does help keep you feeling pretty damn good. We like to keep things simple here and we're sticking with the tried and true methods in history. Hemp root tea is how we go about gaining the benefits discussed in this article. Get yourself a tea bag of our hemp root tea, follow the instructions, and see how hemp root helps maintain your well-being.


Cleveland Clinic. (2019). Boost Your Cholesterol-Lowering Potential with Phytosterols. Retrieved from

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